

Measures for disabled access


Inclusion in the Museum of the Haus der Bayerischen Geschichte - Overview.

Museum building

  • Public parking spaces for the disabled (map) are available near the southern entrance
  • Disabled access to the museum building, to central points in the foyer (checkout, information, sanitary facilities, cloakroom, lift), and to the permanent exhibition
  • Floor indicators in the foyer
  • Audio neck loops in the entire ground floor area

Permanent exhibition

  • Offers for visually impaired and blind people: freely accessible tactile objects and threshold pictures in the exhibition, with inscription in Braille and tactile alphabets
  • Haptic maps with high-contrast designs
  • Offers for the hearing-impaired and deaf: sign language videos on central content, rental of audio neck loops
  • Offers for people with difficulties in language comprehension: easy-language audioguide in the Mediaguide
  • Exhibition tour designed for disabled access (no floor indicators)
  • Fixed seats, mobile seats and wheelchairs, and barrier-free presentation of the exhibits through appropriate display-cabinet heights and adapted usability of the media stations.

Guided tour programme (on request)

  • Guided tour with sign-language interpreter
  • Guided tour in simple language
  • Guided tour for the blind and visually impaired

„Hand drauf! Bayern mit allen Sinnen“

Personen: max. 5 Personen (zzgl. Begleitpersonen)
Preis: regulär 7 €/ ermäßigt 5 € (für Schwerbehinderte ab 50 % gegen Vorlage des Ausweises, eine Begleitperson ist frei) zzgl. 5 € p. P. Führungsgebühr
Dauer: ca. 90 Minuten

Bayerns Geschichte hautnah erleben! In der Führung für blinde und sehbehinderte Besucherinnen und Besucher ermöglichen Tastbilder, Tastobjekte sowie Hör- und Riechstationen einen unmittelbaren Zugang zu ausgewählten Themen der Dauerausstellung. Begleiten Sie uns auf einem Streifzug von den Anfängen des Königreichs bis in unsere Gegenwart.

Admission fees and guided-tour fees

  • Free admission on presentation of a corresponding certificate of disability; free admission for an accompanying person
  • Free loan of the Mediaguide (sign language, easy language) on presentation of appropriate certificate of disability
  • Guided tours: regular guided-tour fee plus reduced admission fee (no additional costs for sign language interpreters)


  • The programming of the website is based on BITV 2.0
  • Adjustment of contrast and font size possible
  • Information in easy language

Inductive hearing system in the media education area, in the foyer, in the panorama cinema and in the Donausaal (area for events and special exhibitions).