

A Museum of the Future for History of the Present

Bavaria is legendary, the Free State a model of success, its cultural landscape highly esteemed. Bavaria has museums on the widest variety of subjects but none on our recent history. This gap will be filled in 2018 – on the 100th birthday of the Free State of Bavaria.

Museum for Everyone

The focus is on the people in Bavaria, every tribe, the migrants from far away, who have found their home here. Everyone is called upon to contribute to the museum with his or her personal stories and mementos. It recounts how Bavaria became the Free State, what it is today, and what makes it so distinctive. Legendary and unfamiliar stories are displayed on close to thirty stages: Why Kings of Bavaria did not have themselves crowned, how Ludwig II became a legend, how Bavaria presented itself at the 1893 world’s exposition in Chicago or why resistance against the nuclear reprocessing plant in Wackersdorf was particularly Bavarian.

Tradition and Modernity

Bavaria has long relied on this combination of past and present, of established tradition and innovation. History is not only recounted in the new museum but also brought to life with advanced media systems. Visitors can use apps for mobile endpoints to delve into the exhibition digitally. The account of the state’s history transmitted by media is open to the public in the Bavariathek where young people in particular will be able to be work, research specific subjects and design media products of their own.

We cordially invite you to follow our Museum of Bavarian History on our website as it takes form. We look forward to your interest, your collaboration, and your visit!


Dr. Richard Loibl

Director of the Haus der Bayerischen Geschichte